Nachtrag zum Beitrag „LubecaVax“: Die individuelle Anti-Corona-Impfung aus Lübeck„LubecaVax“, Version 2022-05-24
Corona-Impfungen bergen das erhöhte Risiko zu Gefäßverschlüssen in der Augennetzhaut: Li, JX., Wang, YH., Bair, H. et al. Risk assessment of retinal vascular occlusion after COVID-19 vaccination. npj Vaccines 8, 64 (2023). Dieser Artikel erschien am 2. Mai 2023 in der Zeitschrift „Nature“. Conclusion: The risk of retinal vascular occlusion significantly increased during the first 2 weeks after vaccination and persisted for 12 weeks. Additionally, individuals with first and second dose of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 had significantly increased risk of retinal vascular occlusion 2 years following vaccination.