What is going wrong in Germany?
In February 2025, JD Vance, the vice president of the United States, lectured European politicians in Munich and denounced what has been going wrong in Europe for years. It seems he copied the Winfried Stöcker blog 1:1.
The dictatorship of thought and paternalism
Enforced conformity of journalism, the monopolization of opinion and the restriction of freedom of expression. The less qualified someone is, the bigger his mouth (Schenzinger).
Excessive legal rules (employment program for lawyers)
Allow influx of unauthorized asylum seekers; all parties now support their rejection
Incitement of the people, “Correctiv” condemns a meeting in Potsdam
War in the Ukraine, danger of world war. Clumsy German and European assistant diplomats are now even demanding from the USA to have the power of co-decision
Exclusion of elected members of parliament, incitement of the party AfD, like Göbbels against Jews in the past
Exclusion of alternative opinions and people (termination of job contract, bank account, gun license)
Forced vaccination against Covid-19 using untested, dangerous genetic agents (instead of a proven antigen-based, effective vaccine), tens of thousands of RNA vaccine damage covered up, post-vac damage attributed to post-Covid damage
Encouraging mothers-to-be to murder their unborn children
Advertising for drug use (cannabis approval)
Stagnation of the German economy due to bureaucracy and over-regulation
Unnecessary hasty nuclear phase-out, dismantling of the safest nuclear power plants
Dismantling of the German, worldwide leading automotive industry, outsourcing of the chemical, pharmaceutical and textile industries abroad
Rotten roads and railways, neglect of the German federal armed forces, strangulation of agriculture through excessive regulations
Excessive protection of data privacy, excessive protection of nature and species
Defacement of our language, male/female/diverse job advertisements, cancel culture
Climate change hysteria
Interference in private life: ban on romantic relationships in the workplace
Unnecessary European harmonization of degree programs at universities
Exaggerated subsidiarity within the EU (e.g. 100 billion euros given away to Greece)